Rail transport China
Rail transport China

Rail transport China

Besides sea freight from China, we also have possibilities to import containers by train. This is often an alternative when the goods have to reach their destination faster.

Rail transport from China

There are, of course, countless ways of transporting a large load across the world. When it comes to transport from China, sea transport is perhaps the most obvious choice. But because China is also accessible by land, there are more options. For example, a rail transport from or to China is in specific cases a much more efficient option, because the final destination of the goods is far from the sea. Because we always want to offer you the cheapest and smartest transport options, we also offer goods transport from China by train.

  • The cheapest rates for rail transport from China
  • Goods transport from China by train for both large and small loads
  • Transporting a container by train is possible with us after a phone call
  • All peripheral matters also taken care of directly
  • Transporting a container by train has never been easier
AEO certified

The right price-quality ratio

Our AEO certification guarantees you a good price-quality ratio. In addition, the chance of unnecessary delays at customs is considerably smaller. This allows us to quickly prepare the necessary documents, such as an import declaration.

Immediate contact

Do you want to send sea freight via FCL transport? Contact us now and we will send you a personal quote today. And is another form of transport even cheaper? Then we will of course let you know.

Obligation free quote

Leave a rail transport China to our specialists

It is very well possible that transporting goods by train from China is the most efficient way to transport your goods. Still, arranging such a transport is quite a job, because transporting a container by train is not easy. Fortunately you can leave this to us. We always find the transport method that suits your cargo best.

But before a shipment of goods can leave China by train, for example, many customs documents must be arranged. Our customs department can draw up the required documents quickly and easily. Our specialists not only manage to get the goods out of China by train, but also to deliver them to their exact destination in Europe.

Big advantage of train transport China

The biggest advantage of transporting your goods by train from China is the transit time. Where a sea container takes 8 to 10 weeks to arrive in China, by train it takes less than 3 weeks. The costs for shipping by train from China are higher than those for sea freight, but the goods are available much faster. If this is not fast enough, we can of course also offer air transport to or from China via our sister company TTS TransAir.

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